Sunday 21 May 2017

Black Chat: Esther vs Nunu??

Episode 11 of BkChatLDN  was very interesting and some things were said by the panel, especially, Nunu, that left me very shocked.

I haven't watched BKChat for a while so it was good to see my now favourite panel member, Corey from the Caribbean. who always sets 'ish' straight and sieves out any BS and Riva who made some good points on this topic. Even one of my least favourite members, Lucas kind of redeemed himself in my eyes.

"Next episode will confirm this."

Wild one, Nunu made some very daring comments regarding her sex life. She admitted to allowing a man to perform cunnilingus on her whilst she was on her menstrual cycle.



Corey called out Nunu for some of her comments, and advised her, that she has to be careful how she says things. With Nunu being the youngest member on the panel - Surprisingly - she can make some really reckless comments which she doesn't seem to realise, will stick with her.

Now onto what this post is about....

"Esther, Esther, Esther....Why, Oh, Why, Oh, Why?"

Esther's attitude.

"What is this friction I see from her towards Nunu?"

Within the first five minutes I saw signs of an issue with Esther and her body language towards Nunu.

At 4.50 of the video Esther tells Nunu not to touch her.

"Now what the fuq is this about? #PettyBetty"

I'm not sure how long these topics take to film - it looks like it takes forever - and obviously frustration can kick in, but during this episode I saw some very off putting actions from Esther. "Put it this way. The whole ting woulda lock off."

I'm not here to "Save a Nunu", but I will call out bitchiness when I see it. Throughout the episode, whenever Nunu spoke - even if it was something young and immature - Esther would roll her eyes or give her some sort of "stank look".

Esther does not seem to be feeling what Nunu is saying.

"Let me look you up and down...."

This is the behaviour I hate to see from black women.

Esther shows signs of suffering from the classic ailment, 'Bitchitus'. This illness is very common amongst black women. It is can be triggered by many factors, but in this case I believe the cause is that Esther feels a lvel of disdain towards Nunu, and I'd love to know why.

There was a point in the video (17.15) in which the look Esther was giving Nunu was too much. I was surprised Nunu didn't stop speaking and ask Esther, "What the fuq is your problem, biatch?"

If looks could kill...

...Nunu would be dead.
This isn't the first time I've seen this attitude from Esther towards Nunu. Esther has always seemed to have an issue with Nunu since she became a member of Season 2.

Esther has said she is not a girly girl and I understand that. Esther has also said she isn't a bitch...I disagree.

I disagree because I believe Esther has shown some very bitchy tendencies towards Nunu and in general. Her reaction to Nunu is very much like she thinks less of her and this is because Nunu has something Esther doesn't, "Comfortability in her own skin".

Esther lives up to societies "likes and dislikes".

Whilst on BKChatLDN Extra she spoke about her time at school and how she always wanted to fit in and found it hard being a part of the "popular group."

This sounds like the same Esther I see on the Internet.

Nunu says things which I think should not be said, except around the kitchen table with YOUR people and NO cameras, but each to their own, she's comfortable in her truth and that's what Esther lacks.

Esther has made a lot of contradicting statements on BKChatLDN and I do not find her to be as genuine as she first came across.

So onto my solution:

Esther firstly needs to stop trying to make Nunu feel inferior. As humans we don't always get along with each other but as grown adults we should know how to deal with a situation in a mature manner.

My one advice to Nunu is to keep being herself, never allow another person's insecurities affect how you live your life.

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