Friday 14 April 2017

Martina Big - The Tanned Barbie?

Yesterday, UK Daytime show, This Morning had a very interesting guest on their sofa who received a lot of negative comments on social media.

Martina Big (Before surgery and tanning on the left), "Exotic Barbie" on the right
Martina Big has spent over £40,000 on boob jobs and tanning injections to look like what she calls an 'Exotic Barbie'. Ruth and her husband Eamonn were interviewing this lady and they both came across as very judgemental.

A conversation about bullying and This Morning's anti-bullying campaign, (#BeKind) had taken place less than an hour before Martina came on, so I felt that by Eamonn asking the audience at home "What do you think?" and Ruth's sanctimonious attitude was just encouraging name-calling, negative comments and very uncomfortable viewing.

"Bullying at it's finest."  

This was thought by many people on social media too.

To also only read out the negative comments was very distasteful. I have been onto social media and seen some pleasant comments which focus on Martina doing what makes her happy or concern for her health. Although the negative comments totally out-weighed the "Do what you want." comments.

The most offensive part of this interview for me was the fact that Eamonn believed he had to keep reminding the public that Martina wasn't black. The also constant questioning of "Why do you want to be dark?" was delivered all wrong and caused offence to many including myself.

Maybe if you had just turned on the TV and was still in the old open racist days of when 'Black Face' was on the TV and was acceptable.

Martina has nothing black about her, so for someone to mistake her for being black rather than an over-tanned white woman would be very ignorant. Having subjects like this leads to only insensitive and ignorant criticism.

"Like this."

Another comment Eamonn made (very unwisely) was when he likened Martina's complexion to 'Burnt toast'.

The term "burnt toast" has been used many-a-times to reference a dark-skinned black person and it's not a positive comment either.

Based on the comments, the This Morning audience are mainly white women aged 25-60+ so many comments like this were made.

All points to the saying, "Those That Know, Know." 

Brexit has made people in the UK very candid about their feelings. If a negative comment is said in relation to the colour of someones skin then it is racism.

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