Monday 9 January 2017

BkChatLDN's Member Causes Major Uproar!!!

So before I start, I had heard and seen some mixed reviews about this "Talk"- show on Youtube called, BKChatLDN - "I think this stands for Black Chat London".

The show consists of a group of men and women speaking on different life topics. Topics ranging from, "Who should pay on the first date?" to "He won't marry me because I've had surgery."

I'm not gonna lie, I never really thought about watching it until Friday when I saw that one of their members was trending on Twitter due to a few past tweets they had posted and retweeted showing their dislike for black women.

Because I had never seen the show before I had no idea who this person was, all I knew was that her name was Mimi.

This is Mimi
So yes I went on my lil Twitter escapade and found some of the tweets which were "allegedly" written by Mimi.

I say allegedly because Mimi has stated some of the Tweets had been photoshopped and made to look like they had been written by her.... "hmmmm, Girl bye!!!"

"Was this one photoshopped?"

"Or this one?"

"Or this one?"

Mimi sits on a panel with Black women, how did she really hold down her dislike for them?

She didn't. Some of the looks she gave the other girls or the way she fixed her face like she had smelt shit when Esther was speaking.

Seeing this does not surprise me. Seeing the tweets and hearing her speak she comes across as a confused being. She likes black men but the same black man's sister and mother she thinks are ugly.

African Queen???

She's half language & half continent, no direct black but still a lighty

The picture above of Mimi wearing an African headwrp and her tweet regarding her being a lighty but not black shows how fickle she is, some might even call her thick as shite.

Note to all these people with tans who are not black: You cannot call yourself a lighty if you are not black. A light is a light skinned BLACK person.

People have used the word ignorance when describing Mimi's tweets but these tweets have nothing to do with ignorance. Mimi knew what she was writing and way she was writing it. I don't know her age but I know she was grown enough to know better.

After the tweets were exposed Mimi made her Twitter page private, after a few hours she released which many are calling a piss-poor apology.

I have not yet read her apology due to Mimi making her page private again ."kmt"

BkChat have since cut Mimi from the panel and they have also recently released a video, which I will be watching later, (I'll also be giving my opinion too) although the comments on the BkChatLDN YouTube page and Twitter isn't really giving me any satisfaction.

I'm pleased that the decision to remove Mimi from the panel was made swiftly, although if this had not been done they would of been over before they had even started, especially with their core audience being black people.

Based on the comments left, people have stated that Lucas, who I found to be very vocal during the discussions, was very quiet and understanding towards Mimi.

No word on what Esther has said but I'm hoping she's more direct than how Lucas has been described.

A spokesperson for the modelling agency Mimi is signed to, Face4Music, issued a very understanding statement regarding this issue.

Reprimand??? WTF???

Thumbs up for supporting the BkChat brand but really this has sweet FA to do with them, it's about this woman's relationship with your modelling agency. Bkchat did what they had to do, but will Face4Music be taking Mimi off their books? 

Based on this statement I doubt it.

So what happen's next?

Black Twitter goes back into hibernation, waiting for another person's tweets to be exposed.

Look out for my opinion on what the BkChatLDN panel have to say about this Mimi issue. 

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