Monday 9 January 2017

UPDATE: BkChatLDN: My Thoughts.

Update 15/04/2017

Okay, so the second season is back and nothing much has changed except a couple new panellist members.

My initial perception of some members like Esther and Lucas have changed, Lucas I find to be rude, passion is cute but rudeness is a punchable offence. Esther say's what Lucas agrees with and is very spurious in my eyes.

Sia is definitely 'My Girl.' She speaks so much sense and is articulate and confident. "Please don't let me down."

I find that everyone seems to have the same way of thinking and maybe that is down to all or most of them being African.

Where are the other members of the London community. I do believe there are Jamaican's in London, so where are they?


So after Mimi-Gate I decided to watch some of the epsiodes of BkChatLDN and it left me on the fence. I found it to be good concept but some the topics were a bit irrelevant.

I'm grown, so topic's like "Who pays on the first date?" and "Don't ask me how many people I've slept with!" are a little "young" for me.

Lets talk about race relations, the issues within the black community, the light skin, dark skin debate.

Lucas & Esther

Esther and Lucas both stand out on the show, they are very vocal and sometimes their delivery isn't the best but I look at it as passion. After watching the first couple episodes I like Esther, I think she's direct and I understood where she was coming from during certain topics.

After only 8 episodes the show is gathering quite a big fan base, in both the UK and America, which is another reason why I feel they need to make their topics more "grown" and varied. Encourages audience growth.

The age's of the people on the panel seem to be quite young so maybe they could get more older people on the panel so we can hear a more mature, open-minded way of looking at things.

I will continue to watch until I can't watch anymore.

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