Saturday 25 June 2016

Is Kanye west's "Famous" Video about to get him sued?

On Friday night Kanye West premiered the video for his song featuring Rihanna and Swizz Beats,  "Famous", at the LA Forum to a crowd of 8000 people and to say he got people talking is an understatement.

"Kanye West is one talented dude. He is a genius."

He's provoking, challenging and engaging and the newly released still from the video totally reflects this.

Kanye used inspiration from American Painter, Vincent Desiderio's painting 'Sleep', by giving it a modernised twist, featuring a naked kim Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner.

Friday 24 June 2016

Britain Leaves The EU, What Now?

How wrong was I!!!

Waking up to this was so unexpected.

I strongly believed that Britain would be remaining in the EU. I didn't even believe the results would of been close, but to lose by over a million votes is so disheartening.

I believe in living in a country that helps others - "To a certain extent." - Yes definitely there should be guidelines but With Britain voting to leave the EU, what happens now?

What benefits are we going to see?

UK Politicians, Nigel Farage (UKIP) and Boris Johnson (Conservative) were both in favour of leaving the EU and they obviously highlighted the negatives.
The £250 million mememship fee paid each week to the EU,  as well as using the lack of jobs, the lack of school places and the pressure being put on the NHS as focal points to sell why leaving the eu was the right choice for Britons.

What other choice would Britons make?

Nigel Farage
Boris Johnson

"But is it the right choice?"

What about the positives?

Freedom to work and travel, equal pay and non-discrimination, peace and democracy.

Politicians always use "We need to save money and our resources" as an excuse for anything they do, but with all this money saved where will it go?

Into building more schools, hospitals, houses?

No, schools will still be overcrowded, the NHS will still be overworked and social housing will remain the same. 

I've always believed that the reason this referendum begun, was primarily to do with immigration.  

The politicians believing this is the only way to stop immigrants from entering the UK.

With campaign posters like this, who would think differently?

Scotland were highly favourable of remaining in the EU and due to the results, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has called for a second referendum to make Scotland independent and this time it looks like they might get it.

A petiton calling for a second EU referendum, has become so popular that the website keeps crashing - I've tried but to no avail.

Another petition has begun, calling for  London Mayor, Sadiq khan to 'Declare London Independent', which has been signed by thousands of people including myself. #Londependence

I might have to move to Scotland, was thinking about America but then I remembered Trump.

Via Giphy.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Can Skepta Change The Cycle?

As soon as I heard Skepta's track featuring D Double E & A$AP Nast, 'Ladies Hit Squad', I was feeling it, but the video had me feeling it even more.

This is the first mainstream grime artist to showcase a video where dark skinned women are being embraced and highlighted in such a big way.

Some may not understand, but this is a big step in today's society as dark skin women are rarely used in music videos, especially within the UK hip hop scene.


The Secret Black Civil War: The No Lighty, No Likey Mentality.

It is something that is going on everyday within the black society, and to some it might sound weird, even a little crazy but there is a conflict within the black community.

 The Light-Skin, Dark Skin Battle.

You will come across a lot of comments and memes on the internet, where this is evident. 

As a dark-skinned female I can at times see why someone might feel offended by some of the things said.

My partner and I have conversations about this matter, as we see evidence of it in everyday life, on the TV, in movies, music videos and even social media.

We don't take it so personal. We laugh at stuff like that because at the end of day the shade of our skin does not define us.

*Lord Jamar talking to Vlad about the light skin/dark skin theory hit the nail right on the head*

There are so many layers to this issue, as to why I couldn't just speak about it in one post. 

In this post I want to just scratch the surface and speak about the 'No lightie, No likey mentality' - when a person is not found attractive because they are not light skinned.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Red Bull Culture Clash 2016: MixPak Wins!!!

On Friday, 17th, June 'The Red Bull Culture Clash' took place at the London 02 arena and rightly so MixPak won.

Of course I have to rep my people and my people done well. "Jamaica, Jamaica."

For those who are not familiar with the term '(Sound) Clash', it is when DJ's and/or members of a sound system compete against other playing different genres of music. 
'Dubs' - "chart songs re-recorded by the original artist to include the DJ or sounds name - are played, the better the dub, the more of a chance the sound might have of winning.

Getting one of the biggest artist in the world, with the biggest song of the moment on dub then you know your winning...

...and that's exactly what MixPak did.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Black Power On BBC One

Yesterday I watched a mini-documentary on BBC one called 'Black Power: America's Armed Resistance.'

The show focused on police brutality in the US towards the black citizens of America as well as racism still very prevalent in America..

Although I live in the UK, I am verybinterested in the American culture  - "and not just the glitz and glamour" - prior to this show I had known about the Eric Garner, Mario Woods and Walter Scott cases and felt totally disgusted by what I had seen and how the cops got off very leniently.

Nobody was made accountable for these murders and thats what really got to me.

"Where is the justice?"

A lot of other cases were missed out, but that's not surprising when the show was only on for 45 minutes after 11pm.

"WHY, I don't know????"

So I'm going to just fill you in where the BBC left off...

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Kanye West - The Saint Pablo Tour.

Update: 21/06/2016 11:23pm

Due to tickets already selling out, a fourth show has been added. Kanye will be bringing 'The Saint Pablo Tour' to the L.A. Forum on November 1st, with tickets set to go on sale this Saturday, June 25th.


Dates have been released for Kanye's, The Saint Pablo tour.

American Tour Dates

The dates released so far are for America.

Not sure if he will be bringing The Saint Pablo Tour to Europe.

Look out for any updates.

Monday 13 June 2016

Andrew Removed From The Big Brother House.

Update - 14/06/2016 08:30am


Andrew Tate has taken to Twitter to tell his reason for his removal from the BB house.

Via Andrew's Twitter account: @Cobratate

Thursday 9 June 2016

Big Brother Contestant, Lateysha Grace, Under Attack.

First nominated housemate of the series Lateysha Grace has come under attack by Big Brother viewers for leaving her 9 month old daughter with the child's....

father and family members.

After comments were made on Twitter from people who I suppose "know better."

Lateysha's baby's father (I'm assuming) posted a message on Twitter for all those Twitter trolls.

Lateysha obviously has a good support system around her, and if she can leave her daughter with people she trusts then good for her.

"Leave the girl alone!!!"

Pictures courtesy of Instagram.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Big Brother Housemates, My First Impressions.

So the 12 housemates have entered the Big Brother house and unbeknownst to them an additional six people, known as 'The Others', have entered another (Big Brother) house.

I'm not really surprised by the selection of the housemates. Same old, same old.


"I'm a lil pissed that there are a few ex-reality show members and friends of celebrities and even a newsreader."

My favourite main housemate so far is Jason.

He seems up front and down to earth - he could be a laugh.

My least favourite has to be Laura.

She seems up her own arse tbh.

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