Thursday 23 June 2016

The Secret Black Civil War: The No Lighty, No Likey Mentality.

It is something that is going on everyday within the black society, and to some it might sound weird, even a little crazy but there is a conflict within the black community.

 The Light-Skin, Dark Skin Battle.

You will come across a lot of comments and memes on the internet, where this is evident. 

As a dark-skinned female I can at times see why someone might feel offended by some of the things said.

My partner and I have conversations about this matter, as we see evidence of it in everyday life, on the TV, in movies, music videos and even social media.

We don't take it so personal. We laugh at stuff like that because at the end of day the shade of our skin does not define us.

*Lord Jamar talking to Vlad about the light skin/dark skin theory hit the nail right on the head*

There are so many layers to this issue, as to why I couldn't just speak about it in one post. 

In this post I want to just scratch the surface and speak about the 'No lightie, No likey mentality' - when a person is not found attractive because they are not light skinned.
It is common knowledge (whether we choose to admit it or not) within the black community that the darker a female is the less attractive they are perceived and this has lead to a hidden animosity between dark-skinned and light-skinned women.

On a day to day basis women are more affected by this then men, as society has labelled women with beauty and men with strength.

In the days of slavery, dark-skinned men were more desired as they were the picture of strength and were seen as being more equipped to carry out hard labour. The light skinned females were treated better as they were often offspring of slaves, who had been abused by their slave masters.

I came across this picture on Instagram and felt that it symbolised how a lot of dark-skinned girls feel.

Courtesy of Instagram

Were all dark-skinned women created to be unattractive, so they should be thankful for this back-handed compliment?

"I'm not saying people don't have types, my guy is a lil on the light side, and I've been with dark-skinned guys, but when you hear a dark-skin guy making disparaging comments about a dark-skin girl you have to look and think why?"

I've seen videos on youtube and spoken to people about this matter, and the answers vary.

Some guys may say it's to do with what they see on the television.

Some may say they are just doing what they see their friends doing.

This is not an issue that affects all dark-skinned girls, so I am not speaking for everyone, but there are dark-skinned women who are growing up in a society where they will hear a song like Ramzee's 'Who's Dat Lighty?' and build an anomosity towards light-skinned women or themselves.

"Although, I don't reckon "Who's Dat Darky?", would of went down too well." lol

It's also a way of pitting black women against each other, as guys generally do not take these things so personal.

This animosity has ignited the 'Team Light Skin, Team Dark Skin Effect'.

Courtesy of Instagram

"This has to be deeper than just skin colour?"

Part 2 of The Secret Black Civil War will be posted same time next week.

Hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment.

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