Thursday 2 March 2023

Shaunie Investigates: Another Racially Motivated Attack...

...This time in a THE classroom. "YES!!! You read that right - a racially motivated attack in a school classroom. This country is going to the shits."

I'm getting tired and majorly pissed with seeing young white Irish travellers school girls racially attacking black school girls. I'm not speaking about the attacks being verbal, these are physical attacks and during both physical attacks I noticed one common denominator, the white teachers not showing any sense of urgency when it comes to protecting the black child.

I recently posted a video of a black girl being attacked by grown white women outside of a school in Ashford who I believed were Irish travellers; from their Irish accents, their clothing and their glues on eyelashes,  here I am posting another video. This time this was a fight between girls of the same age in a class room within a school.

In the video below which was posted to Instagram by the victim's sister, you'll see a white girl run into a classroom and physically attack a black student, the classroom; according to the sister, had been made available to non-white students who were being racially-targeted by the white students in the school.


Wednesday 15 February 2023

Did The Vaccine Cause Damar Hamlin's Cardiac Arrest?

 Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin recently sat down with GMA host Michael Strahan to discuss his recent on field cardiac arrest and his road to recovery.

Damar Hamlin

Hamlin wasn't very vocal when asked by Strahan "what could of caused the cardiac arrest?" Hamlin responded by saying that "it was something he wanted to stay away from."

"So what could that mean?"

Why wouldn't he want to touch on something which could potentially help someone else?

Unless whatever caused the cardiac arrest would also cause further conversations about the vaccine.

"Yes, I'm speculating at the moment, but it's the only thing I can think of."

The NFL and the NBA were practically forcing their players to take the vaccine, so when something unexpected happens, like a 24-year-old, healthy, athletic man with no previous heart defects falls down in the middle of a game and experiences a cardiac arrest, what else could it be?

Silence only leads to people like me speculating and with there being several reports of people suffering from cardiac related illnesses after taking the vaccine...I think the two may be connected.

However. I don't want to speculate too much - I'm glad Damar is recovering well. and I hope, eventually he is fit and healthy enough to get back out on that field.

Friday 10 February 2023

Black schoolgirl racially attacked outside of school

There's a video circulating online of a black schoolgirl being attacked by a group of white people outside of Thomas Kyvnett College in Ashford. 

In the video the black girl is approached by a woman; who looks too grown to be fighting with a child. The woman drags the school girl to the floor and starts to throw punches, the black girl gets the upper-hand and that's when you see other people get involved, including a girl in school uniform and another young girl rocking her Sports Direct gear. The woman holding the camera, encouraging this foolishness, is heard yelling "punch her face in" and "kick her in the face."

Girl (in pink) kicking and pulling the black girl's braids

I could only watch the video once, that was enough for me - especially after seeing the young black girl's braids pulled out.

One of the things that really got me upset was seeing grown men driving past and not even trying to intervene and stop the onslaught.

Man in car doing nothing but looking.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

We're Back!!!

 It's been a while since I've last made a post on the Kultra Vultra Blog..Life has just taken over, but the KV Blog is back, BIGGER & BETTER!!!

I'm back also making videos - and have a new feature focussing on crimes called 'Shaunie Investigates'. so remember to check out the Kultra Vultra YouTube page.

Sunday 14 June 2020

The Media Does It Again

Once again the media does what it does best. Making black people look like the aggressor.

Malcolm X once said:

"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - Malcolm X

This video from Sky News is a clear example of why Black people do not trust the news and the narrative they try to put out.

If you've been online you would have seen the videos of racist white devils making racist gestures and attacking the police as well as making racially-provoking actions towards black people.

They came to London following a video from Tommy Robinson calling for all his "Friends" to attend to protect the statues that were being targeted - Statues of people that encouraged the slave trade and racism. 

Tommy who conveniently chickened out and did not attend, wanted to start trouble but he ended up sending his "Friends" to London so that they could get their asses beat, because that's exactly what happened and now the media are making them out to be the victim.

We have to be careful when we think certain brands are supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, they're just protecting their brand.

Racist Confrontation in Coventry

A group of over twenty white people have been filmed chasing and throwing objects at two black males in Coventry.

The group were heard chanting, "Go Home! Go Home!" Which is the racist's common mantra.

The incident is said to have been caused by the two young black men; as they had brandished a knife at the group of white men.

This story sounds very unbelievable. These boys would be stupid to pull out a knife and use it to threaten the group without any provocation.

Although the "rumour" is that the black boys had a knife, in the video you can see ONLY one of the white boys actually holding what appears to be a knife. This is said to have been the knife that one of the black boys had and had put in a bin.

"Why is the boy holding the knife in such a threatening way, in front of the police?"

Is that a knife in his hand?

The white group member actually approaches the police with the knife, but rather than being arrested the person is allowed to walk away with the knife still in his hand and continue directing comments towards the black boys, who are now being spoken to by the police, with one being placed in handcuffs.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Do Black lives Matter In The UK?

When you hear us chant, "Black Lives Matter" this doesn't just start and stop with the police.

This also includes, the schools, the colleges and universities, the media, the music & television industry, the brands; and society as a whole.

All of these establishments systemically perpetuate the racial bias we see on a regular basis and they have the nerve to post pictures and comments talking about, Hashtag BlackLivesMatter.

"Did Black lives matter when the music industry took music such as Hip Hop and R&B  and decided it was okay to group them into a category which the call, 'Urban'?"

The term 'Urban' was created by music executives and the radio industry to make black music sound more appealing to advertisers and listeners.

"Is the term also used to make it easier for white people to
say comments like this without feeling that they are offending anyone?"

Republic Record recently released the following statement on their Instagram page;


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