Thursday 11 June 2020

Do Black lives Matter In The UK?

When you hear us chant, "Black Lives Matter" this doesn't just start and stop with the police.

This also includes, the schools, the colleges and universities, the media, the music & television industry, the brands; and society as a whole.

All of these establishments systemically perpetuate the racial bias we see on a regular basis and they have the nerve to post pictures and comments talking about, Hashtag BlackLivesMatter.

"Did Black lives matter when the music industry took music such as Hip Hop and R&B  and decided it was okay to group them into a category which the call, 'Urban'?"

The term 'Urban' was created by music executives and the radio industry to make black music sound more appealing to advertisers and listeners.

"Is the term also used to make it easier for white people to
say comments like this without feeling that they are offending anyone?"

Republic Record recently released the following statement on their Instagram page;

"Effective Immediately, Republic Records will remove "URBAN" from our verbiage in describing departments, employee titles and music genres. We encourage the rest of the music industry to follow suit as it is important to shape the future of what we want it to look like, and not adhere to the outdated structures of the past." - Republic Records

This is a term I have always had a problem with and truly believe radio stations and the music industry need to follow the stance Republic Records have taken.

Little Britain has been removed from BBC iPlayer and Netflix
(Picture: BBC)

Within the last few days I have seen and heard that several TV programmes are being removed from streaming platforms or cancelled by television networks, but what difference does that make to the black community?

Netflix and BBC removing Little Britain from their streaming platforms does not stop a black person being targeted by the police. It does not change the mistreatment of black people and the fact that these same establishments have a very small quota of black employees.

In my opinion, this is just a lazy way of making a change and just diverts the attention. Little Britain is a programme I have watched many times and I have never been offended by this show. I'm more offended that BBC and Netflix are using this as a focus point.

Matt Lucas and David Walliams provided good comedy content and I truly believe this is not what the movement is about.

The Black Lives Matter movement is not about TV programmes like 'Little Britain' being removed, it's about change within these establishments, from the top all the way to the bottom.

"What I want to see is change WITHIN these companies."

When I see actios like these being taken I have to ask, "What else do you have to offer?"


ITV is another company speaking out on the Black Lives Matter movement but they are also guilty of encouraging the act of institutionalised racism.

Their live programmes have very little black staff and the ones they do have are not used to their full capability.

This Morning's ONLY black presenter, Alison Hammond, recently spoke about racism following the death of George Floyd and made a valid point, "When black lives matter, all lives will matter." 

Some of the comments being made by obviously, white people, angered me and confirmed the racism and ignorance in this country.

"Another ignorant comment"
"Ignorance is so bliss"

Another comment that annoys me is when people say, they don't see colour.


People who claim that they don't see colour are a part of the problem which needs to change.

"How can you change something that you don’t believe you see?"

The aim of #BlackLivesMatter is not for people to be colour-blind, but for people to see and recognise skin colour; and for them to control and adjust their unconscious minds so that they make decisions not solely based on a person's characteristics but also as an individual.

Tweet in response to Alison Hammond on This Morning

When Black Lives Matter is spoken about white people have a strong tendency to always mention, 'Black On Black Crime'; but they should know that;

"Black on Black crime was a terminology invented by White America to negate white systematic oppression - by implying black people are so criminal they’re more likely to hurt their own kind. This is why we never hear White on White crime, Asian on Asian crime."

Let me give you a simple example as to why mentioning the numbers of crimes committed by a black person towards another black person is no defense.

"There are 10 people living in a house, 8 of the 10 people in the house are black, is it not more likely that an incident or accident would happen to or between another black person than a white person in that house?"

Racially insensitive newspapers like the Daily Mail and The Sun, are also to blame as they love nothing more than to headline a non-white person using their race and/or religion as a direct link to the story.

However, Jimmy Saville's race was not mentioned when he was accused of sexually assault.

"Why is this different when a white person is being reported on?"

We need to force change and as Malcolm X once said;

"So early in my life, I had learned that if you want something, you had better make some noise."

I want to see changes in the schools, the police, media...EVERYWHERE!!!!!

The people who need to start the change are the people who have been using it to the advantage...the white people.

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