Thursday 2 March 2023

Shaunie Investigates: Another Racially Motivated Attack...

...This time in a THE classroom. "YES!!! You read that right - a racially motivated attack in a school classroom. This country is going to the shits."

I'm getting tired and majorly pissed with seeing young white Irish travellers school girls racially attacking black school girls. I'm not speaking about the attacks being verbal, these are physical attacks and during both physical attacks I noticed one common denominator, the white teachers not showing any sense of urgency when it comes to protecting the black child.

I recently posted a video of a black girl being attacked by grown white women outside of a school in Ashford who I believed were Irish travellers; from their Irish accents, their clothing and their glues on eyelashes,  here I am posting another video. This time this was a fight between girls of the same age in a class room within a school.

In the video below which was posted to Instagram by the victim's sister, you'll see a white girl run into a classroom and physically attack a black student, the classroom; according to the sister, had been made available to non-white students who were being racially-targeted by the white students in the school.


Courtesy: Instagram

Courtesy: Instagram

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