Sunday 23 July 2017

UPDATE: Another Police Related Death In The UK.

Update 23/07/2017 - 14:49

The IPCC have released a statement regarding the death of a 20 year old man in Hackney, known on Twitter as "Rash". 

"Jul 23, 2017
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has begun an independent investigation into police contact with a man who died following an incident in Hackney, London in the early hours of Saturday morning (22 July 2017).

The IPCC was informed by the Metropolitan Police that at around 1.45am on Saturday 22 July 2017 officers requested a car travelling in the Kingsland Road/Middleton Road area of Hackney to stop.

A passenger in the car, a 20 year old man, left the scene and was followed on foot by an officer into a nearby shop.

The man became unwell and first aid was provided by a police officer, police medic and paramedics. The IPCC has obtained evidence which indicates an object was removed from his throat at the scene. The man was then transported to the Royal London Hospital, where he sadly died soon afterwards.

The IPCC declared an independent investigation at 3:10am and investigators were deployed to the scene and to the post-incident procedure.

Initial accounts have been taken from a number of non-police eye witnesses who saw the incident, as well as the police officers involved.

CCTV footage from inside the shop and police body worn video has been gathered and viewed.

The man’s family have been informed and an investigator met with them to explain the IPCC’s investigation and role.
Investigators are keen to speak to any witnesses who were in the Kingsland Road/Middleton Road area of Hackney at this time. Witnesses should make initial contact with investigators by emailing sends e-mail)

So the assumptions are by many is that "Rash" was a drug dealer, who was trying to hide evidence. 

Does this justify him dying? 

As a fully trained police officer, you would be aware of where a suspect would try to hide drugs, two places, either in their clothing or in their mouth and your aim as a police officer is to try to confiscate those drugs as soon as possible. 

To neither apprehend him safely - throwing him on the floor is not the way - or to not even care that he had obviously choked on something after the fact is why I feel that this arrest could of been dealt with differently.

No further information has been released. Awaiting confirmation of victim's name.  

Name of victm has been released.
Victim: Rashan Charles

The saying goes "When America sneezes the UK catches a cold." and it looks like the the UK police have fully caught the whole virus.

America has recently had to deal with a large number of black men and women being killed at the hands of the US police.

I've spoken about Philando Castile who's death at the hand of police officer, Jeronimo Yanez, was filmed Live on Facebook by his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and Alton Sterling who was shot by police whilst pinned to the ground unable to move. The police officers in these cases have all been acquitted and were able to walk away, whilst the families of these men continue to seek justice.

Now the UK have an epidemic on their hands.

Just over a year ago, on July 13th, Mzee Mohammed died after being apprehended by police in Liverpool, UK.

Mzee Mohammed
A video of Mzee being arrested was uploaded onto Youtube shortly after the incident and as Mzee is seen lying on the floor not moving, the police show a great lack of care and concern.

In June 2017, Edir Frederico Da Costa also known as "Edson" died after being in a coma for several days following a traffic stop in Newham, East London. This started the "Justice For Edson" hashtag, #Justice4Edson.

Edir Frederico Da Costa #Justice4Edson
Edson's death is still being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) according to there last statement released on, 23rd June 2017.

"Jun 23, 2017
Today we have contacted Mr Da Costa’s family to share with them the findings from the pathologist and we are now able to correct some misinformation that is being widely shared on social media.
The preliminary post mortem found that Mr Da Costa did not suffer a broken neck, or any other spinal injury during his interaction with the police. It found he did not suffer a broken collarbone or bleeding to the brain. Rigorous investigations into the cause of Mr Da Costa’s death are continuing, including into the use of force.

We are releasing this information now out of concern at the rapid spread of false and potentially inflammatory information. Our robust and independent investigation will seek to explain the circumstances around Mr Da Costa’s death. In the meantime, false information could have very dangerous consequences, so please don’t share it."

This morning,on Sunday 23rd July, I woke up to yet another death of a young black man at the hands of UK police.

The hashtag "Justice For Rash" was trending this morning following the death of this young black man in Hackney, East London.

The two minute CCTV footage that I have seen shows a uniformed police officer chase the young man and bring him to the ground in what appears to be a shop.

Picture of "Rash" posted on Twitter

The young man, I'm assuming goes by the name of "Rash", seems to be resisting at first, and manages to get up off of the floor but then the officer grabs 'Rash' again and slams him to the floor. 'Rash' is pinned to the ground and the officer seems to be holding 'Rash' in a choke-hold. Another gentleman is seen in the video, I'm assuming this is the shop owner.

'Rash' continues to be held to the ground before another man assists - This person has not been identified.

A few seconds after the non-identified person becomes involved, 'Rash' appears to no longer be moving. He lays motionless on the floor whilst the officers handcuff him.

The officer's begin talking to each other, as there is no sound on the video I can only speculate.

"The officers see "Rash" is no longer moving and seem concerned that he has lost consciousness. 
They begin to shake him and try to lift him up, but it is evident that something is not right."

What really upset me about this video apart from seeing this young man die at the hands of the same people that are supposed to protect us, was the fact that even thirty-seconds after 'Rash' last moved the police officers had still not started any form of CPR. They didn't even turn him onto his side to make sure he was not choking.

Does not being a police officer come with the knowledge of basic first-aid?

These young men cannot continue to die in vain. When Edson Da Costa died an un-organised protest was arranged. People gathered outside of Forest Gate Police Station calling for answers but as what always happens with these protest, they turn dangerous and become no longer about the problem really is and more about the outcome of the riots and this is what the media report.

The media don't speak about what caused this "riot", they just speak about the "riot". This is the same thing that happened when 29 year old, Mark Duggan was killed by undercover police in Tottenham, North London.

Mark Duggan died in August 2011, after being shot by police Tottenham, North London
I remember seeing pictures of people stealing clothes, electronics and even bags of rice. People's properties were getting set on fire. "Who does this help? No One!!"

Croydon riots

The deaths of Mzee, Edson and "Rash" are yet to be mentioned on the news as a high priority story.

There needs to be answers.

Ongoing Story....

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