Saturday 18 August 2018

CBB Contestant Uses The "N-Word" And Receives A Warning 👀

I cannot believe that in this day and age the term "Nigger Boy"can be said on a show like Big Brother and the contestant not get kicked out of the house or the programme not receive any backlash.

The new series of Celebrity Big Brother UK has only been on for two days and already someone has felt comfortable enough to show their true oppressive attitude and rather than being thrown of the show, the housemate is given a warning.

CBBUK Housemate, Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo Alves, mostly known for being the "Human Ken Doll", was discussing his "type" with four other housemates, and said that a certain housemate was "not his type as he likes 'nigger boys' and that the certain housemate was too white for him".

"After he said the word twice, you could tell that Dan, who was one of the present housemates looking shocked and one of the girl's covered her face."
Former Bad Girl's Club member, Natalie Nunn, said nothing, it was like she didn't hear anything or maybe she trying to play nice.

Natalie Nunn in CBB House

Big Brother issued Rodrigo with a final warning. Which in my opinion was not good enough.

The terminology used is demeaning and reflects exactly how he feels about black people. Not only by using the common "N-Word" but also the word "Boy".

The word 'Boy' is what slave masters would call black men and was a way to make them feel weak and lessen their masculinity.

Is this how Rodrigo likes to make his black partner's feel? 🤔

Back in 2007 Big Brother 8 housemate Emily Parr, was removed from the channel 4 version of Big Brother after using the 'n-word'. "No final warning...straight eviction."

Has this word now become acceptable from the vessel of a white person...again or are the feelings of black people not valued by media outlets like channel five and others I can come to think of?

I know for a fact that had someone used the 'f-word', their ass would of been kicked off of the show before the 't' had even left their mouth.

Credits: Channel 5 / Celebrity Big Brother & Twitter

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