Tuesday 10 April 2018

Could The Government Do More?

Katie Hopkins is known by many to be an antagonistic, racist, bitter...woman. She has been known to target the Muslim community and has even been associated with far-right groups.

Controversial Katie Hopkins

With the reports of violence increasing in the capital, it was only a matter of time before Katie Hopkins would have something to say.

She recently took to Twitter to throw shots "no pun intended" at London Mayor, Sadiq Khan and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick.

Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick

She has accused them of not wanting to "talk about" the problem with black gangs in London and I agree.
Sadiq Khan, Cressida Dick and the rest of the government, have refused to address the problem because that would mean dealing with the problem. A problem which doesn't look to be going away.

Hopkins has said that Khan and Cressida "fear" being called racist if they say that the problem is related to black gangs.

"A problem ignored, is a problem doubled"

This is why there needs to be more black people in the UK government. Black people that have lived a similar life to what the youth are going through now. Someone who doesn't have anything to gain except, the best for the black youth. 

If a black person who truly cared about their people worked in politics they could stand up and say who was too blame and why. Without being called racist or even an Uncle Tom.

We've seen the local councils closing down all the youth clubs, adventure parks and decreasing police funding, whilst gentrifying around the more impoverished areas.

The community needs help

There has been a considerable drop in stop and searches in the capital, as the police faced resistance due to them only targeting black boys and black areas.

It was widely reported that black teenage boys were more likely to be stopped then any other race.

Now I have to be honest, if more black people are dying and more black people are doing the killings, then we can't be surprised that more black people are being stopped and searched BUT when the police are stopping and searching people with no basis, then this causes an issue.

British Labour party member, David Lammy, has called for British Prime Minister, Theresa May, to visit and speak with the families and victims of gun and knife violence in the capital, which she is still yet to do.

Labour MP, David Lammy

"Theresa ain't visiting no one."

She has done what she did when the Grenfell fire took place. She has chosen to hide and not address the issue. By not speaking to the families or the victims, she is showing exactly how this country feels about them.

Katie Hopkin's words caused some on Twitter to take what she said as an insult, obviously down to her track record.

What team is this you speak of?

Why wasn't this said when Hopkins was coming for the Muslim community?

I never found her words offensive, especially by Katie Hopkin's standard. She has said something which is blatantly evident and something that we as a black community need to address and fix.

We cannot expect the people who are a part of the problem to rectify the problem.

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