Thursday 8 March 2018

Students Recorded Chanting Racist Slurs At Nottingham University.

A black female student at Nottingham University (Trent Campus), recently uploaded a video to her Twitter account, which shows her being racially insulted by other students, who mostly seemed to be bitch ass guys, while she was forced to stay in her dorm room to avoid escalating the situation.

They sang songs referencing derogatory terms towards black people including,  "fu*k the blacks","We hate blacks" and chanted "Get Blacks Out."

You can also hear a woman I'm unsure as to the race of this lady in the background trying to stop the guys shouting their racist comments, in probably not the best way, by also chanting reverse racist statements and also quoting Martin Luther King's, "I Have A Dream." 👀
The female student commented on twitter and said that the university had still yet to do anything about this incident over 24 hours after the incident.

"That is until this video went viral on Twitter." 

Because we all know social media is the key to getting all problems solved... as well as created.

"I don't know if I could of stayed in my room."

"Would these racist fools have said this to a black guy? Would they have been so 'brave'?"

"So...what took the reception staff so long to pass on the
message to the University Head?"

In 2018, am I surprised that this is happening? 


People have just become more brave when it comes to airing their views. This isn't something new it's just becoming "newly" revealed in a public way; without a keyboard.

The fact that the University took over 24 hours to address the situation, spoke volumes.

If this was a group of males and females shouting hurtful comments at someone from the LGBT+ community. I believe the university would of acted quicker. Racism has become a second tier problem which people don't want to speak about.

After the video went viral, Nottingham University finally released a statement confirming that the students involved had been suspended and they would be investigating the incident and why it took the time it did for the university to be made aware.

That's a great question. Why did it take so long for the university to be notified?

Although I have seen many people comment on Twitter saying that "their" city, "Nottingham, isn't a racist one" or "The guys in the video weren't from Nottingham because they were in the dorms".

No matter where these people are from, to see this happening in the UK where people are a lot more conservative about their racism, in a university which is supposed to be educating the "new generation"; the generation where all that racist, ignorance should of been diluted from, is very disturbing.

Nottingham isn't really overwhelming with ethnic minorities. The ratio of White to Black, Asian or Mixed-Race people is very high, so if these guys were from Nottingham, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm surprised that the university have only suspended these kids and are opening an investigation, to decide what to do next. Yes, there's procedures the university has to follow but there's also immediate expulsion.

"Investigation? To investigate what?"

Investigate the foolishness these little boys were spewing?

These students need to be expelled from the university and the reception staff need to be fired.

Does this not constitute as a hate crime, if we keep allowing these people to get away with this it will only continue and breed more people like them.

"Is this what has now become acceptable in schools, colleges and universities...England. I hope not because this could lead to a race war and there are people like myself who won't stay in that dorm room and film behind a door."

I'm happy that this lady spoke out. She could of kept the video, or not even film it.

This makes me ask. How is racism being dealt with in schools? Does it get swept under the carpet and ignored because it's too "hard" to address.

Hopefully this doesn't become a regular thing, but if it does, I hope when it is reported it is dealt with immediately!!!

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