Friday 22 July 2016

Is Making A Stand Not Allowed For The BLM Movement?

We live in a world where society reflects that the lives of black people are not deemed as important as any other lives.

The NBA have revealed that they will be moving next year's All-Star games from North Carolina in protest at an opposing LGBT law brought into place in March of this year. The North Carolina Bathroom Law also known as the House Bill 2 (HB2) states that people must use the bathroom which  identifies to the gender on their birth certificate.

NBA Officials Statement:

"Our weeklong schedule of All-Star events and avticities is intended to be a global celebration of basketball, our league and the values for which we stand and to bring together all members of the NBA community. we do not believe we can successfully host our All-Star festivities in Charlotte in the climate created by (the) HB2 (law)"

Now this shows a stand against the government and the state, as they could stand to lose close to $100m and we all know hitting them where it hurts is what matters and that's in their pockets.

So please tell me why the WNBA have fined several basketball teams and players for wearing Black t-shirts in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

New Yorn Liberty Players

Minnesota Lynx players wearing black T-shirts.

Why can they not make a stand, like the NBA are making a stand for the LGBT community?

Is this portraying unfairness on what people deem as important in our society?

Of course it does, this is why people are screaming "Black Lives Matter", because at this moment nobody seems to care.

New York Knicks player, Carmelo Anthony has shown his support for the teams and players and his disagreement with the teams and their players being fined.

Maybe these players need to boycott the WNBA and make a stand that way.

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