Monday 11 July 2016

A Week Of Turmoil In America.

Last week we saw the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, which brought protesters to the streets of Baton Rouge, LA, New York and Dallas calling for these officers to be punished for these murders.

It was in Dallas that Five police officers were killed by lone sniper, Micah Xavier Johnson, who was not a part of the Back Lives Matter Movement.

Dallas Shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson

His reason for these shootings was because of the killings of Sterling and Castile.

Am I surprised?

"It is sad to say but, No."

"Before I continue these cops did not deserve to die because of the acts of others."

I am sorry that these offcers had to be a sacrifice, but there are people who have had enough and Micah was one of them.

When it comes to fighting for civil rights there are two ways, the Martin Luther King way - calm protesting and talking or the Malcolm X way - By any means necessary and it looks like Mcah took the Malcolm X route.

The reality is if these officers were not killed then we would no longer be speaking about the killings of Alton Sterlng and Phialndo Castile.

Since the death of these officers I have seen so many ignorant commens made regarding black people.

Does this really make things better?

Not all black people are criminals, like not all white cops are racist and want to kill black men, but these killings keep happening so what are people supposed to think on both sides.

A lot of information regarding the history of these black men have been spoken about and used as a reason to defend the killing of these men and that is not right.

Alton Sterling was said to have had a lengthy criminal records with some serious crimes committed but this is no reason to kill a man so inhumanly. "How could you defend such a killing."

What did Philando Castile do?

Philando was killed because he looked like a black man.

As the saying goes, "When the grass is cut, the snakes come out."

I hate racism and I will fight against it until the day I die.

People are blaming the media for inciting hate but the media is also the one showing it.

So how do we change things?

We need to stop blaming the POTUS for one.

If a black man kills five cops, why is this Obama's fault?

The truth needs to be spoken whether people like it or not.

Please America you have to choose the lesser of the two evils, the people who have shown themselves to be white supremacist and supporters of racism are fans of Donald Trump.

Do not let them win!!!

"Make The United States, United!!!"

RIP to those that have lost their lives to gun violence and racism.

My prayers are with your family and friends.

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