Sunday 10 April 2016

Keeping the Magic Alive.

I've been wanting to write a post aimed at "real relationships".

Real relationship goals.

"What is the definition of a real relationship?"

"What are these goals?"

Kanye & Kim

You come across pictures of celebrity couples everyday on Twitter and Instagram and most are always captioned with the phrase "#RelationshipGoals."

What do we really know about these people's relationships?

JayZ & Beyoncé

"What we see on TV? What we read on the web?"

We know absolutely nothing.
We only know what they want us to know or what information any 'source' may have revealed - there are times when a video might pop up - but aside from that celebrity relationships are like any other couples relationship, the whole world doesn't have to know everything.

Relationship goals should be about what we know not what we are assuming.

Today Kevin Gates brought a lil REALity to Twitter when he posted this tweet.

"No it's not corny."

keeping the magic alive in a relationship is important.

You may not live with your partner, you may travel for work or you might even spend all day together but the flame still needs to be kept alight.

This can be done in ways which are fun and spontaneous, it add s a different dynamic to the relationship.

One way of keeping it creative is using 'FaceTime'.

You've done sexting, you've sent those sexy pics, you've done the sex talk and now its time to take out that Phone or Macbook - its best on a Macbook because it enables your hands to roam - and get to work.

Spontaneity is the best thing in a relationship.

Keep it creative and never let her think that she is not important or special.

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